uwmCurrently, there are 17 faculties at UWM, 11 of them have full academic rights, namely the right to grant postdoctoral degrees (in 13 disciplines). Furthermore, the doctoral degree can be granted at 16 faculties, within 24 disciplines. In the Academic 2014/15 Year, there are 27.000 students those are educated on 17 faculties, and 65 branches of study, within either full-time or part-time studies. Additionally, there are also 600 PhD students, and 1500 post-graduate students.

Course levels offered: University of Warmia and Mazury offers the following levels of education: uniform Master’s degree, undergraduate studies leading to the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree, graduate studies leading to the Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree and third degree (PhD). The University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn is fully eligible to bestow titles of engineer, master, doctor and habilitated doctor.

Project related courses offered at UWM

The university offers education training programs related to water, among others in the following disciplines:

  • Environmental Engineering
  • Environment Protection
  • Aquaculture, Fisheries
  • Tourism and Recreation
Lech,Smoczyński Lech

prof. in UWM University in Olsztyn
coordinator of the project at the university
+48 89 5233668

Research interests

electrochemistry, chemistry of colloids, sorption, fractal geometry of aggregates-flocks, physiochemical methods of water and wastewater treatment, coagulation and  lectrocoagulation, chemical and biological treatment of wastewater, agricultural management of wastewater, new technologies of inorganic coagulant (PAC) leaching, anti-odor systems in wastewater treatment plants, computer simulation of destabilization of wastewater suspension, image analysis, particle sizes.

Related publications

  1. Smoczyński L., Wardzyńska R., Pierożyński B. 2012.  Computer Simulation of Polydispersive Sol Coagulation Process.  Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering  91, 302-310.
  2. Smoczyński L., Muńska K.T., Pierożyński B., Kosobucka M. 2012. Electrocoagulation of model wastewater using aluminum electrodes.  Polish Journal of Chemical Technology 14(3), 66-70.
  3. Smoczyński L., Muńska K. T., Pierożyński B., Kosobucka M. 2012,  Elektrokoagulacja ścieków modelowych na elektrodach żelaznych. Proccedings of ECOpole, DOI: 10.2429/proc.2012.6(1)056: 401-408.
  4. Smoczynski L., Munska K., Pierozynski B. 2013. Electrocoagulation of synthetic wastewater. Water Science and Technology. 67(2), 404-409.  
  5. Cydzik-Kwiatkowska A., Wojnowska-Baryła I., Szatkowski M., Smoczyński L. 2013. Biochemical conversions and biomass morphology in a long-term operated SBR with aerobic granular sludge. Desalination and Water Treatment. 51(10-12), 2261-2268.
  6. Smoczyński L., Wardzyńska R., Załęska-Chróst B., 2013. Symulacja komputerowa procesu koagulacji zawiesiny ściekowej. Proceedings of ECOpole, 7(1), 253-258, DOI. 10.2429/proc.2013.7(1)034.
  7. Smoczyński L., Muńska K.T., Kosobucka M., Pierożyński B., Wardzyńska R., Załęska-Chróst B., 2013. Destabilizacja ścieków modelowych w procesie koagulacji chemicznej. Proceedings of ECOpole, 7(1), 399404, DOI. 10.2429/proc.2013.7(1)054.
  8. Smoczyński Lech, Muńska Kamilla Teresa, Pierożyński Bogusław, Kosobucka Marta 2013.  Electrocoagulation of Model Wastewater Using Iron Electrodes.  Ecological Chemistry and Engineering  A, 20(10), 1143-1152.   
  9. Smoczyński L., Ratnaweera H.,  Kosobucka M., Smoczyński M. 2014.  Image analysis of sludge aggregates. Separation and Purification Technology 122, 412-420.
  10. Smoczyński L., Muńska K., Kosobucka M., Pierożynski B. 2014. Phosphorus and COD removal from chemically and electrochemically coagulated wastewater. EPE 40(3), 63-73.  
  11. Smoczyński L., Muńska K., Kosobucka M., Pierożyński B., Wardzyńska R., Załęska-Chróst B. 2014. Destabilization of synthetic wastewater by chemical coagulation. Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S  21(2), 269-279.
  12. Smoczyński L.,  Ratnaweera H.,  Kosobucka M.,  Kvaal K.,  Smoczyński M. 2014, Image Analysis of Sludge Aggregates Obtained at Preliminary Treatment of Sewage. Water Science and Technology  70(6), 1048-1055.
  13. Rogalski L., Smoczyński L., Krzebietke S., Lenart L., Mackiewicz-Walec E. 2014. Changes in sulphur dioxide concentrations in the atmospheric air assessed during short-term measurements in the vicinity of Olsztyn. Jurnal of Elementology, 19(3), 735-748.
  14. Kosobucka M., Smoczyński L., Ratnaweera H., Wardzyńska R., Załęska-Chróst B., 2014, Preliminary removal of phosphorus from municipal wastewater. Proceedings of ECOpole 8(2), 393-399.
  15. Smoczyński L., Ratnaweera H., Kosobucka M., Smoczyński M., Kalinowski S., Kvaal K., 2016.  Modelling the structure of sludge aggregates. Environmental Technology 37(9), 1122-32. (25 pkt)
  16. Smoczyński L., Ratnaweera H., Kosobucka M., Smoczyński M., Pieczulis-Smoczyńska K., Cretescu I. 2016. The size of aggregates formed during coagulation and electrocoagulation of synthetic wastewater. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 17(3), 1160-1170. (15 pkt)
  17. Smoczynski L., Kosobucka M., Smoczynski M., Ratnaweera H., Pieczulis-Smoczynska K. 2016.  Sizes of particles formed during municipal wastewater treatment. Water Science and Technology. doi: 10.2166/wst.2016.546.
  18. Smoczyński L., Kalinowski S., Ratnaweera H.,  Kosobucka M., Trifescu M.,  Pieczulis-Smoczyńska K. 2017. Electrocoagulation of municipal wastewater – pilot-scale test. Desalination and Water Treatment.  Submitted: 17.11.2016.


Andrzej Żołnowski

PhD, Associate Professor of the Dept. of Environmental Chemistry
+48 89 523 35 47


1988 – 1993 Academy of Agriculture and Technology in Olsztyn, Master of Science (MSc), Agronomy
1995 – 2000 University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Agronomy
2001 – 2014 University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, PhD hab., Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry

Subjects: Agricultural Environment Pollution, Plastics Recycling, Phytotechnologies in Environmental Reclamation, Storage of Agricultural Products, Storage of Friuts, Vegetables and Flowers, Commodity Sciences of Agricultural Crops, Commodity Sciences of Herbal Plants.

Research interests: Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Environmental Chemistry.

Related publications

  1. CIEĆKO Z., ŻOŁNOWSKI A.C., MADEJ M., WASIAK G., LISOWSKI J. 2015. Long-term effects of hard coal fly ash on selected soil properties. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 24(5): 1949-1957. (JCR)
  2. CIEĆKO Z., ŻOŁNOWSKI A.C., MADEJ M., WASIAK G., LISOWSKI J., ROLKA E. 2015. The long-term impact of ameliorating doses of hard coal fly ash on shaping the content of selected microelements in agricultural soil. Polish Journal of Soil Science, 48(1): 1-12.
  3. CHEŁSTOWSKI A., CIEĆKO Z., BOROWIK A., LISOWSKI J., ŻOŁNOWSKI A.C. 2015. Effect of coal ash on the microbial and enzymatic activity in soil. Agroecology – АГРОЭКОЛОГИЯ 2: 32-36.
  4. CHEŁSTOWSKI A., CIEĆKO Z., BOROWIK A., LISOWSKI J., ŻOŁNOWSKI A.C. 2014. Последействие каменноугольной золы на микробиологическую и ферментативную активность почвы. Агрохимический вестник: 6, 18–21.
  5. Żołnowski A.C., Busse M.K., Zając P.K. 2013. Response of maize (Zea mays L.) to soil contamination with copper depending on applied contamination neutralizing substances. J. Elem., 18(3): 507-520
  6. Ciećko Z., Żołnowski A.C., Mierzejewska A. 2012. Impact of foliar nitrogen and magnesium fertilization on concentration of chlorophyll in potato leaves. Ecol. Chem. Eng. Vol. 19, (6): 525-535 DOI: 10.2428/ecea.2012.19(06)05
  7. Ciećko Z., Mierzejewska A., Żołnowski A.C., Szostek R. 2012. Influence of foliar nitrogen and magnesium fertilization on concentration of ash micronutrients in potato tubers. Ecol. Chem. Eng. Vol. 19, (7): 677-688 DOI: 10.2428/ecea.2012.19(07)067
  8. Цецько З., Вжалковски А., Жолновски А.Ц., Манько П. 2012. Реакция сиды гермафродитной (Sida hermaphrodita L. Rusby) на удобрение Почва, удобрение, урoжай. (ред. Вильдфлуш И. Р.): 161-168
  9. Żołnowski A.C., Sądej W. Namiotko A. 2011. Influence of different fertilization systems and liming on potato tuber yield and yield structure. Nawozy i Nawożenie – Fertilizers and Fertilization, 43: 88-97.
  10. Sądej W., Żołnowski A.C., Namiotko A. 2010. Kształtowanie wybranych elementów oceny jakości bulw ziemniaka pod wpływem różnych systemów nawożenia. Zesz. Probl. Post. Nauk Rol., 556: 259-270.
  11. Żołnowski A.C. 2010. Kształtowanie się zawartości cukrów w bulwach ziemniaka pod wpływem wzrastającego nawożenia siarczanem potasu. Zesz. Probl. Post. Nauk Rol., 556: 341-348.
  12. Żołnowski A.C. 2010. Effect of two technologies of nitrogen fertilization on contents of glycoalkaloids and aminoacids in potato tubers. Ecol. Chem. Eng. Vol. 17, No. 6: 717-724.
  13. Ciećko Z., Żołnowski A.C., Ostrowska E., Chełstowski A. 2010. Long-time effect of hard coal fly ashes application on nitrogen content in the soil. Ecol. Chem. Eng. Vol. 17, No. 6: 748-755.
  14. Ciećko Z., Żołnowski A.C., Mierzejewska A. 2010. Effect of foliar nitrogen and magnesium fertilization on the total, protein nitrogen and nitrates (V) content in potato tubers. Ecol. Chem. Eng. Vol. 17, No. 6: 593-600
  15. Ciećko Z. Żołnowski A.C., Grzegorzewski K. 2010. Влияние минерального удобрения на урожайность сахарной свеклы. Почва, удобрение, урoжай. (ред. Вильдфлуш И. Р.): 235-240
  16. Ciećko Z. Rolka E., Żołnowski A.C., Grzybowski Ł., Wenglewski D. 2010 Воздействие загрязнения почвы ртутью на содержание общего и нитратного азота в белокочанной капусте. Почва, удобрение, урoжай. (ред. Вильдфлуш И. Р.): 248-256
  17. Zolnowski A.C., Ciecko Z., Najmowicz T. 2009. Arsenic content in and uptake by plants from arsenic-contaminated soil In: Application of Phytotechnologies for Cleanup of Industrial, Agricultural and Wastewater Contamination. (Eds). Peter A. Kulakow and Valentina V. Pidlisnyuk. Series C: Environmental Scurity. Wyd. Springer in cooperation with NATO Public Diplomacy Division. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series: 135-145 DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-3592-9_9
  18. Ciećko Z., Żołnowski A.C., Kulmaczewska J., Chełstowski A. 2009. Wpływ następczy melioracyjnych dawek popiołów z węgla kamiennego na kwasowość gleby. Zesz. Probl. Post. Nauk. Rol., 535: 73-83
  19. Ciecko Z., Zolnowski A.C., Chelstowski A. 2009. Long-term effect of coal fly ash application on soil total nitrogen and organic carbon concentrations In: Application of Phytotechnologies for Cleanup of Industrial, Agricultural and Wastewater Contamination. (Eds). Peter A. Kulakow and Valentina V. Pidlisnyuk. Series C: Environmental Scurity. Wyd. Springer in cooperation with NATO Public Diplomacy Division. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series: 147-158. DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-3592-9_10


Sławomir Kalinowski

PhD, Associate professor, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Faculty of Environment Management and Agriculture, Department Chemistry, Poland
Plac Łódzki 4, 10-728 Olsztyn, Poland


Professional Bio:

  • Associate professor at the Universiy of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Department of Chemistry, Poland, since 2012.
  • Assistant professor at the Universiy of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Department of Chemistry, Poland, 1997-2012.
  • PhD on Warsaw University, Department of Chemistry, 1997.
  • Assistant in Laboratory on Physical Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Białystok Branch of Warsaw University, 1984-1987
  • MSc in Institute of Chemistry, Białystok Branch of Warsaw University, 1984.

Research interests and experience:

  • Flow analytical methods: development of detection methods, automatization of analytical process.
  • Construction of a system for electrocoagulation of wastewater.
  • Construction of electronic laboratory equipment – electrochemical devices: potentiostats, galvanostats, 3- and 4-electrode capacitance meters; quartz crystal microbalances, chemiluminometric detectors, flashlight reactors, sensors and actuators.
  • Electrochemistry of bilayer lipid membranes: formation, optical and electrochemical observation of the membrane formation process, ion transport through membranes, electroporation and electrostriction phenomena.
  • Equipment for fuel cells, equipment for analysis of ultra-low energetic bioprocesses.
  • 8 patents concerning flow analytical methods and laboratory equipment.
  • Lectures and laboratories: physical chemistry, general chemistry, analytical instrumental methods.

Original research papers

  1. Koronkiewicz, S., Trifescu, M., Smoczynski, L., Ratnaweera, H., Kalinowski, S., A novel automatic flow method with direct-injection photometric detector for determination of dissolved reactive phosphorus in wastewater and freshwater samples, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 190 (2018) 133.
  2. Vakh, C., Koronkiewicz, S., Kalinowski, S., Moskvin, L., Bulatov, A., An automatic chemiluminescence method based on the multi-pumping flow system coupled with the fluidized reactor and direct-injection detector: Determination of uric acid in saliva samples, Talanta, 167 (2017) 725-732.
  3. Kalinowski, S., Koronkiewicz, S., Double-beam photometric direct-injection detector for multi-pumping flow system, Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 258 (2017) 146-155.
  4. Smoczyński, L., Kalinowski, S., Ratnaweera, H., Trifescu, M., Pieczulis-Smoczyńska, K., Electrocoagulation of municipal wastewater – a pilot-scale test, Desalination and Water Treatment, 72 (2017) 162-168.
  5. Smoczyński, L., Ratnaweera, H., Kosobucka, M., Kalinowski, S., Kvaal, K., Modelling the structure of sludge aggregates, Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), 37 (2016) 1122-1132.
  6. Nalewajko-Sieliwoniuk, E., Iwanowicz, M., Kalinowski, S., Kojło, A., Application of direct-injection detector integrated with the multi-pumping flow system to chemiluminescence determination of the total polyphenol index, Analytica Chimica Acta, 911 (2016) 82-91.
  7. Koronkiewicz, S., Kalinowski, S., Direct-injection chemiluminescence detector. Properties and potential applications in flow analysis, Talanta, 133 (2015) 112-119.
  8. Libecki, B., Kalinowski, S., Application of the PEDD flow detector for analysis of natural dissolved organic substances in coloured water, Water Science and Technology, 68 (2013 29-35.
  9. Benchea, R.E., Cretescu, I., Kalinowski, S., Koronkiewicz, S., A novel pulsed xenon flashlamp photoreactor and its potential applications in flow analysis with chemiluminescence detection, Analytical Methods, 5 (2013) 3650-3656.
  10. Koronkiewicz, S., Kalinowski, S., Application of direct-injection detector integrated with the multi-pumping flow system to photometric stop-flow determination of total iron, Talanta, 96 (2012) 68-74.
  11. Kilian, J., Kalinowski, S., Kochana, J., Knihnicki, P., A new capacitive sensor based on electrostriction phenomenon. Application for determination of ionic surfactants, Procedia Engineering, 47 (2012) 1338-1341.
  12. Koronkiewicz, S., Kalinowski, S., A novel direct-injection photometric detector integrated with solenoid pulse-pump flow system, Talanta, 86 (2011) 436-441.
  13. Danet, A.F., Pisoschi, A.M., Kalinowski, S., Ascorbic acid determination in commercial fruit juice samples by cyclic voltammetry, Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry, (2008) 937651.
  14. Rizea, M.-C., Dǎneţ, A.F., Kalinowski, S., Determination of mercury(II) after its preconcentration on a carbon paste electrode modified with Cadion A, Revista de Chimie, 58 (2007) 266-269.
  15. Kalinowski, S., Koronkiewicz, S., Kotulska, M., Kubica, K. , Simulation of electroporated cell by chronopotentiometry, Bioelectrochemistry, 70 (2007) 83-90.
  16. Koronkiewicz, S., Kalinowski, S., Modeling the induction of lipid membrane electropermeabilization Kotulska, M., Kubica, K., Bioelectrochemistry, 70 (2007) 64-70.
  17. Kalinowski, S., Electrochemical Methods and Their Application, Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes, 2 (C) 2005, pp. 1-47.
  18. Chivulescu, A.I., Dǎnet, A.F., Kalinowski, S., Determination of hydrogen peroxide and ampicillin using a flow injection analysis method with chemiluminescence detection, Revista de Chimie, 56 (2005) 695-698.
  19. Koronkiewicz, S., Kalinowski, S., Influence of cholesterol on electroporation of bilayer lipid membranes: Chronopotentiometric studies, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Biomembranes
  20. 1661 (2004) 196-203.
  21. Kotulska, M., Koronkiewicz, S., Kalinowski, S., Self-similar processes and flicker noise from a fluctuating nanopore in a lipid membrane, Physical Review E – Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 69, 031920 (2004) 1-10.
  22. Dǎneţ, A.F., Apostol, S., Stǎnuş, A., Cheregi, M., Kalinowski, S., Devices arrangement for flux injection for the preconcentratrion and spectrophotometric determination of phenols from water | [Montaj de analizǎ prin injectare în flux pentru preconcentrarea şi determinarea spectrofotometricǎ a fenolilor din ape], Revista de Chimie, 53 (2002) 580-586.
  23. Koronkiewicz, S., Kalinowski, S., Bryl, K., Programmable chronopotentiometry as a tool for the study of electroporation and resealing of pores in bilayer lipid membranes, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Biomembranes, 1561 (2002) 222-229.
  24. Kotulska, M., Koronkiewicz, S., Kalinowski, S., Cholesterol induced changes in the characteristics of the time series from planar lipid bilayer membrane during electroporation, Acta Physica Polonica B,
  25. 33 (2002) 1115-1129.
  26. Koronkiewicz, S., Kalinowski, S., Bryl, K., Changes of structural and dynamic properties of model lipid membranes induced by α-tocopherol: Implication to the membrane stabilization under external electric field, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Biomembranes, 1510 (2001) 300-306.
  27. Radu, A., Bucur, B., Cheregi, M., Dǎnet, A.F., Kalinowski, S., Determinarea spectrofotometricǎ a fenolilor din ape utilizând un montaj de analizǎ în flux automatizat, Revista de Chimie, 52 (2001) 41-45.
  28. Kalinowski, S., Łotowski, Z., Morzycki, J.W., The influence of bolaamphiphilic steroid dimer on the formation and structure of bilayer lipid membranes, Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, 5 (2000) 107-118.
  29. Kalinowski, S., Ibron, G., Bryl, K., Figaszewski, Z., Chronopotentiometric studies of electroporation of bilayer lipid membranes, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Biomembranes, 1369 (1998) 204-212.
  30. Kalinowski, S., Łotowski, Z., Rabiczko, J. Synthesis of dimeric steroids as components of lipid membranes Morzycki, J.W., Tetrahedron, 53 (1997) 10579-10590.
  31. Kalinowski, S., Figaszewski, Z., A four-electrode system for measurement of bilayer lipid membrane capacitance, Measurement Science and Technology, 6 (1995) 1043-1049.
  32. Kalinowski, S., Figaszewski, Z., A four-electrode potentiostat-galvanostat for studies of bilayer lipid membranes, Measurement Science and Technology, 6 (1995) 1050-1055.
  33. Kalinowski, S., Figaszewski, Z., A new system for bilayer lipid membrane capacitance measurements: method, apparatus and applications, BBA – Biomembranes, 1112 (1992) 57-66.
  34. Winkler, K., Kalinowski, S., Krogulec, T., A study of the deposition of iron on mercury and glassy carbon electrodes, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 252 (1988) 303-322.

Books and book chapters

  1. Kalinowski, Application of capacitive detection in flow analysis, in Flow analysis, methods and applications (in Polish), P. Kościelniak, M. Trojanowicz (eds.), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2011, 89-104 (Chapter in a handbook).
  2. Kalinowski, Electrochemical methods in environmental analysis, in Analysis and environmental monitoring. Theory and practice (in Polish), K. Warmiński ed., Wydawnictwo UWM, 2011, p. 38-70.
  3. Kalinowski, Electrochemical methods and their application, in Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes, Vol. 2, Ed. A. Ottova, Elsevier Inc. 2005, p. 1-47, ISBN 0-12-369453-1.
  4. Kalinowski, Electrochemistry of lipid membranes. From biomembranes to biosensors (in Polish), Wydawnictwo UWM, Olsztyn 2004, 284 pp. ISBN 83-7299-325-4. Monograph including 116 figures, 47 tables, 127 structural formulas of chemical compounds.
  5. Smoczyński, S. Kalinowski, J. Wasilewski, F. Karczyński, Basis of physical chemistry with exercises (in Polish), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn, 2000, 252 pp.
  6. Kalinowski, S. Koronkiewicz,. Direct-injection detectors. A novel approach to flow analysis, in Flow and Capillary Electrophoretic Analysis, P. Kościelniak and M. Trojanowicz Eds., Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, 259-280.
Michał Smoczyński

Associate Professor, PhD
Warmia and Mazury University in Olsztyn, Poland.
Work phone: +48 89 324 3221
E-mail: michal.smoczynski@uwm.edu.pl

Research interests: image analysis methods, water and sewage management in food industry, milk science and technology, biochemistry.

Related publications

  1. Dziuba J., Babuchowski A., Smoczyński M., Śmietana Z. Fractal analysis of caseinate structure. International Dairy Journal 1999, (9), 287-292
  2. Smoczyński M., Staniewski B., Kiełczewska K. Composition and structure of the bovine milk fat globule membrane – some nutritional and technological implications. Food Reviews International 2012, 28(2), 188-202
  3. Smoczyński L., Ratnaweera H., Kosobucka M., Smoczyński M. Image analysis of sludge aggregates. Separation and Purification Technology 2014, 122, 412-420
  4. Smoczyński M., Baranowska M. A fractal approach to microstructural changes during the storage of yoghurts prepared with starter cultures producing exopolysaccharides. Journal of Texture Studies, 2014, 45(2), 121-129
  5. Smoczyński M., Kiełczewska K. Fractal and physico-chemical analysis of cow milk fat globules after lipolysis. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 2014, 53(3), 207-216
  6. Smoczyński L., Ratnaweera H., Kosobucka M., Kvaal K., Smoczyński M. Image analysis of sludge aggregates obtained at preliminary treatment of sewage. Water Science and Technology, 2014, doi: 10.2166/wst.2014.332
  7. Staniewski B., Smoczyński M., Staniewska K., Baranowska M., Kiełczewska K., Żulewska J. 2015. Assessment of changes in crystallization properties of pressurized milk fat by fractal analysis. Journal of Dairy Science, 98, 2129-2137
  8. Smoczyński L., Ratnaweera H., Kosobucka M., Smoczyński M., Kalinowski S., Kvaal K. 2015. Modelling the structure of sludge aggregates. Environmental Technology, 37(9): 1122-1132. DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2015.1102332
  9. Smoczyński M. Nowe trendy w gospodarce wodno-ściekowej w przemyśle mleczarskim. Przegląd mleczarski, 2016, 7, 3-6
  10. Smoczyński L., Ratnaweera H., Kosobucka M., Smoczyński M., Pieczulis-Smoczyńska K., Cretescu I. Size of aggregates formed during coagulation and electrocoagulation of synthetic wastewater. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 2016, 17(3), 1160-1170
  11. Smoczyński L. Kosobucka M., Smoczyński M., Ratnaweera H., Pieczulis-Smoczyńska K. Sizes of particles formed during municipal wastewater treatment. Water Science & Technology 2016, doi: 10.2166/wst.2016.546
  12. Smoczyński M. Role of phospholipid flux during milk secretion in the mammary gland. Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia, 22(2), 117-129, 2017. DOI 10.1007/s10911-017-9376-9

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