The Water Harmony Erasmus+ project developed improved learning and teaching tools, methodologies and pedagogical approaches focusing on 6 water-related subjects: Water resources management; Water treatment; Wastewater treatment; Industrial wastewater treatment; Innovation and entrepreneurship; and Academic writing.

During the project, HEIs from Partner and Program Countries developed new study programs, online quality surveys, improved eLearning resources, established credits recognition practices, learned to pay attention to gender balance issues and transparency in awarding scholarships. The project introduced an innovative approach to curricula development based on co-creation, detailed needs and stakeholders analysis, and best practices.

The project developed 6 new water-related courses, supported with generic curricula, teaching materials, laboratory practicum, teaching methodologies based on blended learning and competence-based approach. The project upgraded laboratories with lab courses and teaching tools. It also developed soft-skills agenda for HEIs from Partner Countries, focused on academic writing, entrepreneurship and collaboration with enterprises, supported with teaching materials and guidelines.

Project members from HEIs of Partner Countries learned to think multi-purposely, utilizing resources and ways to enable financial sustainability in challenging economies, creating opportunities for joint research with industrial partners by demonstrating their capabilities. Participants experiences facilitation techniques for identification of innovations, involving potential investors, guiding to commercialization.The project served as a core for development of national networks of water professionals. It also provided inputs to national standards development and national/international certification/accreditation practices.

The project improved positioning of universities, particularly related with international outlook, and helped to strengthen the role of higher education institutions in society at large.

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