Viktor Gevod » Participants
Viktor Gevod
Associate Professor, Doctor of chemical Sciences Ukrainian State University of Chemical TechnologyDepartment of Inorganic Substances Technology and EcologyProfessional Bio
From 2010 up to present time is a teacher at the Department of Technology of Inorganic Substances and the Ecology. Conducts lectures and practical classes on subjects: “Theoretical bases of chemistry and technology of water”, “Methodology and organization of scientific research on the subject of master’s work”, “Bases of technical creativity”, “Strategy for sustainable development”, “Ecology”.
Gevod is a member of two specialized academic councils for doctoral and candidate dissertations.
He was supervisor of two graduate students research projects, which have successfully defended their PhD theses.
He is the author of over 150 scientific papers, 28 patents, 5 textbooks and manuals.
From 2015 is participator of the projects “Water Harmony II ( and ”Water Harmony Erasmus +”. In the framework of the project “Water harmony-2”, He is the coordinator development of training programs and the involvement of private organizations in practice of students.
- В.С. Гевод, С.В. Гевод «Водоочистка по принципу вращающегося колеса», Учебное издание. – Днепропетровск: ГВУЗ УГХТУ, 2015 – 244с.!Agu1oxmy6-V0gROxPIkadie91VVu
- V.S.Gevod, I.L.Reshetnyak Chapter 8. Emergent Water Purification Devices (How to Get a New Quality of Well-Known Thinks). Handbook of Surface and Colloid Chemistry, Third Edition Ed. K.S.Birdi – CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group: Boca Raton, London, New York. 2015. – p.481-542.!Agu1oxmy6-V0gRVEcfdA_BLJFobs
- V.S.Gevod, I.L.Reshetnyak, S.V.Gevod. Chapter 3. Electrical Aspects of Surface Pressure in Amphiphilic Monolayer / Introduction to electrical interfacial phenomena, edited by K.S.Birdi. – CRC Press: Boca Raton, London, New York. 2010. – p.25– 86
- V.S.Gevod, I.L.Reshetnyak, S.V.Gevod. Chapter 4. Ion-exchange and ion-specific effects in lipid / Introduction to electrical interfacial phenomena, edited by K.S.Birdi. – CRC Press: Boca Raton, London, New York. 2010. – p. 87-112
- V.S. Gevod. Chapter 14. Bubble-Film Extraction Fundamentals and Application Тext / V.S. Gevod // Handbook of Surface and Colloid Chemistry. Third Edition. / K.S.Birdi. CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group: Boca Raton, London, New York, 2009. – р. 585-630.!Agu1oxmy6-V0gRHyJudJDQQYzR4E
- V.Gevod, I.Reshetnyak, S.Gevod, I.Sklyarova, A.Rudenko. Innovative water purification method and devices. / Modern Tools and Methods of Water Treatment for Improving Living Standards. NATO Science Series IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences – Vol.48. – 2005 – p.137-149.
- В.С. Гевод, И.Л. Решетняк, И.Г. Шклярова, А.С. Хохлов, С.В. Гевод. «Поверхностно-активные и другие загрязнения в водопроводной питьевой воде: Свойства, мониторинг, причины накоплений и экономичное удаление», – Днепропетровск: УГХТУ, 2002. – 240с.