Cherkasy State Technological University — ChSTU (Ukraine)
For today, Cherkasy State Technological University is one of the leading national universities in Ukraine, which established itself as a diversified educational and scientific complex. The university consistently implements the state policy of the highly qualified personnel education in next specialities: engineering, technological, cybernetics, construction, environmental, financial-economic and linguistic.
In the present time, approximately 6000 students, including 300 international students from 17 countries of the world, are studying in ChSTU. Offered course levels for personnel education: Bachelor and Master in 37 specialities and 28 directions of training. University consists of: 7 study buildings, 7 faculties, 45 departments (31 graduating) and ChSTU Industrial-Economic College in Smela city.
University academic staff includes more than 500 people: 48 doctors of sciences, 162 candidates of sciences, 4 honoured workers of education, 4 honoured scientists and technicians, 2 honoured painters of Ukraine, honoured master of folk art, honoured economist of Ukraine.
The university has 12 academic schools headed by leading scientists. The university held international and Ukrainian scientific conferences, seminars, symposiums on a wide range of issues. Scientific research in such fields as informatics, physics and mechanics, chemistry and chemical technology, languages, literature and culture.
Project related courses offered:
- Physical-chemical basics of water treatment
- Wastewater treatment technologies
- Ozone technologies, membrane technologies
- Water resources management.
Project participants
Doctor of Sciences, professor,
Head of the Department of Chemical Technology and Water Treatment
Project Coordinator at CSTU
Under the guidance of prof. Stoliarenko at the University were opened specialties: “Chemical technology of inorganic substances”, “Ecology and environmental protection”, “Fermentation Technology”; created educational and methodological base for the preparation of bachelors, masters and Ph.Ds in of Chemical Technology.
As a specialist in the field of the newest technological processes, prof. Stoliarenko took an active part in international scientific events in Denmark, India, China, Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Germany.
Teaching disciplines: “Technology of inorganic substances”, “Ozone Technology”, “Membrane Technology”.
Research interests: the usage of ozone technologies for water and wastewater treatment; the intensification of the wastewater treatment processes; recycling of wastewater treatment.
Author of over 450 scientific and educational works, monographs, 12 certificates of authorship, 65 patents of Ukraine, including 14 international patents. Under his supervision more than 25 scientific and economic and state budgetary projects successfully implemented in Ukraine and abroad.
- Stoliarenko H. and other (40 authors under edition A.V. Tolstoukhov). Environmental encyclopedia.-К.: Ltd. “Centre of Environmental Education and Information”, 2006.-Т.1: А-Е.-1- 432 p.
- Stoliarenko H. and other (40 authors under edition A.V. Tolstoukhov). Environmental encyclopedia.-К.: Ltd. “Centre of Environmental Education and Information”, 2007.-Т.2:Є-Н-2- 416 p.
- Stoliarenko H. and other (40 authors under edition A.V. Tolstoukhov). Environmental encyclopedia.-К.: Ltd. “Centre of Environmental Education and Information”, 2008.-Т.3:О-Я.-3- 472 p.:
- Stoliarenko H., Ozone-radical and electrocatalytic methods of burning processes intensification / 30th All-Russian seminar «Ozone and other environmentally friendly purification oxidants. Science and Technology. / Collection of materials, Moscow State University, Moscow, 2008, p.86-96.
- Atamas H., Stoliarenko H., Physical and chemical properties and kinetic studies of zinc processing sludge from OJSC «Cherkassy Khimvolokno” as an alternative source of raw materials for the production of zinc sulphate // Questions of chemistry and chemical technology. – 2008. №3. p. 76-79.
- Stoliarenko H., Heterophase ozone processes of gas streams denitrification // Visnyk ChSTU, №2, 2010.
- Stoliarenko H. Ozonation and electrocatalysis. Theoretical bases and technology (to the 40th anniversary of creative activity in the field of patenting) // Visnyk ChSTU, №1, 2010. – С.92-107.
- Stoliarenko H. Ozone-radical and electrocatalytic methods of burning intensification // Vestnik of Kharkov National Technical University / «KhPI». – №13,2010 – p. 121–130
- Нennady S. Stoliarenko Ozone-radical selective method of destruction malignant tumors cells. the method: “soft radiation” / Нennady S. Stoliarenko / Journal of International Scientific Publications:ecology safety, Bulgaria, 2013, volume 7,part 1 – Р.275 – 287.
- Stoliarenko H., Kostygin V.A. Vashchenko N. Research results of water softening using ion exchange process with a zeolite filter // .-К.- Environmental Science № 6.- 24.12.2014,-p.147-154.
Nataliia Fomina
senior lecturer of Department of Chemical Technologies and Water Treatment
Head of the Region Environmental Problems Laboratory (Cherkassy)
executive secretary of the project from CSTU
Teaching subjects:
- Ecology of the chemical industry,
- Water resources management,
- Management of Technology Transfer
- Innovation Policy and Technology Transfer
Research interests: Development of technological processes of drinking water purification and wastewater treatment by using natural sorbents.
Author of over 100 publications in scientific and publicistic journals of Ukraine; 2 textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine; 14 patents.
- Fomina N.M., The problems of water treatment and obtaining of quality drinking water // Visnyk ChITI. – 1999. – №1. – p.105-109.
- Research the catalytic activity of natural sorbents with sewage water // Visnyk ChITI. – 2000. – №1. – p.41-48.
- Fomina N., Stoliarenko H. 3 The use of activated bentonite clays in the purification of waste water from zinc ions. / Materials of the International scientific conference “The latest achievements in the field of chemical industry and production of construction materials” .- .-г.Minsk:BSTU,2012.–ch.2.– p. 28 –31.
- Khyzhnyak D.V., Fomina N.M., Stoliarenko H.S. Natural sorbents usage for drinking water treatment from pesticides. Collection of abstracts for VІ-th International science-technical conference of students, PhD candidates and youth scientists “Chemistry and modern technologies”. Dnepropetrovsk, 2013, p. 137-138.
- Fomina N.M., Stoliarenko H.S., Khyzhnyak D.V. Investigation of natural sorbents katalytic ativity during wastewater treatment. Collection of abstracts of International science-technical conference “The latest achievements in the field of importsubstitution in the chemical industry and production of construction materials». Minsk, 2012, part 2, p. 13-17.
- Fomina N.M. Research methodology of wastewater treatment for waters containing dyes. State-of-the-art energy- and resource-saving technologies without ecological problems: collection of articles VІ-th international science-technological conference (9-13 September 2013, Odesa). In two volumes, redactor Kozhukhar V.Y. Odesa, Ecology, 2013, volume 2, p.205-208.
- Fomina N.M., Stoliarenko H.S. Intensification of aerobic digestion process and posttreatment of biologically treated wastewater. ІV-th Ukrainian congress of ecologists with international participants, “Collection of scientific articles”. Vinnitsa, 2013, p.112-114.
- Fomina N.M., Stoliarenko H.S., Barannyk O.I. Ozone usage in the aerobic digestion process and disinfection of biologically treated wastewater. Collection of abstracts of International Scientific and Technical Conference “Water treatment technologies technical, biological and ecological aspects (3-5 december 2013), p.103.
- Ukrainian patent 90945, MPK (2014.01) F25B 29/|00 B01D 24/00. Device for water heating and purification. Stoliarenko H.S., Mysliuk U.E., Fomina N.M., Pochtariov L.L., Mysliuk O.O. (Ukraine). Application 06.02.14, Publication 10.06.2014, Bulletin №11.
- Solodovnik,H. Stoliarenko, N. Fomina, S. Kravchenko, Y. Dzіhora. Thermal modification of films based on chitosan for use in manufacturing processes of water purification // Book of Scientific Articles “Water Research and Technology” for Water Harmony project, edited by H. Ratnaweera, Norway, – 2015, – P.227-235. http://waterh.netISBN 978-82-999978-1-2.
Associate Professor, PhD
+380935505621; +380472730210
Teaching subjects: introduction to the specialty inorganic materials technology, automation of production processes, equipment of chemical industry.
Research interests: the intensification of the processes of combustion of liquid fuels with the use of ozone-catalytic processes; the use of activated natural sorbents for the purification of oxen from petroleum; water softening ion exchange using a continuous reactor.
Author of more than 40 scientific and methodical works in the leading Ukrainian and foreign publications, 11 of them work training and methodological.
- Пат. 67515 А. Украина, МПК7 F 02 М 25/10. Устройство для питания двигателя внутреннего сгорания озонированными топливом / Столяренко Г. С., Громыко А. В .; заявитель и держатель патента Черкасский государственный технологический университет. – № 2003109131; заявл. 09.10.2003; опубл. 15.06.2004. Бюл. № 6.
- Пат. 88644 С2, МПК (2009) F02M27 / 00. Способ электрокаталитической активации углеводородов топлива перед сжиганием в двигателе внутреннего сгорания / [Столяренко Г. С., Громыко А. В., Вязовик В. М. и др.]; заявитель фирма «Радикал плюс». – № а 200702569; заявл. 12.03.2007; опубл. 10.11.2009. Бюл. №21.
- Громыко А.В., Столяренко Г.С. Использование низкотемпературной плазмы барьерного разряда в процессах электрокаталитической очистки отработанных газов автомобильных двигателей // Вестник Черкасского государственного технологического университета. № 2, 2012г. с. 86 – 91.
- Громыко А.В., Столяренко Г.С., Бараков Р.Ю., Шмиголь С.А. Использование электрокатализа в технологии очистки отходящих газов производств пигментного оксида титана // Вопросы химии и химической технологии, №1, 2012г., С.139 – 141.
- Громыко А.В., Столяренко Г.С. Влияние озона на экологические показатели двигателя внутреннего сгорания // Вестник Кременчугского национального университета им. Михаила Остроградского, № 4 (75), 2012г, с. 145 – 149.
- Костыгин В. А., Столяренко Г.C., Громыко А.В. Результате исследования работы ионообменного реактора непрерывного действия Новые энерго- и ресурсосберегающие химические технологии без экологических проблем: сборник научных трудов VI Международной научно-технической конференции (9-13 сентября 2013, г.. Одесса): в 2-х т. / [Отв . ред. В.Я. Кожухарь]. – Одесса, Экология, 2013. Т. 2. – 286 с. – С. 106-109.
- H. Stolyarenko, V. Kostygin, A. Gromyko Using the ion exchange reactor of continuous action. Selected publications from the Water Harmony project: Water Research and Technology. Oslo. Norway. UMB. 2015.– Р.245-252.
Associate Professor, PhD
Tetyana Solodovnik is Associate Professor of Department of Chemical Technologies and Water Treatment. The dissertation on topic: “Environmentally safe chitincontaining substances manufactured from mycelium waste received during biotechnological production of citric acid.”
Teaching subjects: Analytical chemistry, Physical chemistry, Colloid Chemistry, Chemistry.
Research interests: production and investigation of natural aminopolysaccharide (chitin, chitosan); development of new types of sorbents based on natural polysaccharides for treatment of aqueous solutions of heavy metal ions; development of new methods for the preparation of films and membranes based on chitin and chitosan for the purification of drinking water. The development of new types coagulants and flocculants for sewage treatment.
- Solodovnik T.V., Kurilenko U.M. Films based on chitosan: preparation, properties, modification and use (review article). Chemical and chemical technology questions, 2012, №4, p.65-82
- Stolyarenko H.S., Solodovnik T.V., Kurilenko U.M., Egorova O.V. The obtainment and investigation of physical-chemical properties of chitosan from mycelial fungi biomass. Vesnik of Cherkasy State Technological University, 2013, №1, p.126-130.
- Solodovnik T.V., Stolyarenko H.S., Kurilenko U.M., Egorova O.V. Characterization and use of mycelium waste of the fungus Aspergillus niger. Collection of articles of IХ-th international science-practical conference “Veda a Vznik – 2012/2013”, Prague, Czech Republic, 2013, p. 8-13.
- Ukrainian patent 79581 А, MKP С08В 37/08. The method of chitosan extraction from mycelial fungi Aspergillus niger biomass. Stolyarenko H.S., Solodovnik T.V., Kurilenko U.M., Egorova O.V (Ukraine). Applied 05.11.12, Published 25.04.2013, Bulletin №8.
- Solodovnik T.V., Egorova O.V. Obtaining of new types sorbents for the extraction of heavy metals from aqueous solutions. Collection of abstracts of International science-practical seminar “Integration of international results of “Water Harmony” project into Eurasian education”. Cherkasy, 2013, p.129-134.
- Solodovnik T.V., Kurilenko U.M., Egorova O.V. Investigation of structure and kinetics of chitosan films swelling. Vesnik of Kharkiv National University “Chemical issue”, 2013, №1085, 22 (45), p.287-293.
- Ukrainian patent 89696, MKP С08В 37/08. The method of chitosan based films production. Stolyarenko H.S., Solodovnik T.V., Kurilenko U.M., Egorova O.V (Ukraine). Applied 09.12.13, Published 25.04.2014, Bulletin №8
- Solodovnik T. V., Stolyarenko G. S., Egorova O. V., Safonova O. F., Kravchenko S. O., Dzіgora Yu. V. Thermal modification of films based on chitosan for use in manufacturing processes of water purification Vesnik of Cherkasy State Technological University, 2015, №1, p.167-173.
- T. Solodovnik, H. Stolyarenko, N. Fomina, S. Kravchenko, Y. Dzіhora. Thermal modification of films based on chitosan for use in manufacturing processes of water purification. Book of Scientific Articles “Water Research and Technology” for Water Harmony project, edited by H. Ratnaweera, Norway, – 2015, – P.227-235.
- T. Solodovnik, H. Stolyarenko, A. Slis and V. Kultenko. Study of heat treatment on structure and solubility of chitosan film. Chemistry and Chemical Technology, the article is accepted for publication (October 2016).
Serhii Shmyhol
PhD-student Cherkassy State Technological University
Project press-secretary
PhD student of Cherkasy State Technological University in “Chemical Technological and Engineering”. Currently studding in Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe (Höxter, Germany) in frame of Erasmus+ students mobility program in frame of “Water Harmony Erasmus+” project. Working as a press-secretary of “Water Harmony Erasmus+” project.
Fields of interest/research areas: Flotation, on-site wastewater treatment plants, detoxification of tail-gases from SO2 and recovery of Zinc from industrial sludge.
List of publications:
- Use of electrocatalysis in the technology of waste gases treatment of titanium oxide production. “Problems of chemistry and chemical technology”, №1, 2012 – p.139 – 141
- Use of electrocatalysis in the technology of waste gases treatment of titanium oxide production. Collection of theses of VI International scientific and technical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists, Dnipropetrovsk, -2013.- p. 52-53
- The technology of recovery of sludge waste from the chemical industry National forum “Waste management in Ukraine: legislation, economy, technology”, Kyiv. – 129-132. – p.164
- Ozonation as an alternative to chlorination of water in Ukraine, Materials of the VI regional youth scientific and practical conference, Cherkasy, -2012, – p. 22-24